Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"The Couch Movers"

With Tunderpeter and Tunderjoke in the leading role.

I've got a couch, including an extra cover and a footstool for only 60 euro's on!!! Went to Maarssenbroek in my mothers car with my brother driving, to pick it up. It fitted perfectly in the car altough the trunk couldn't close, so we tight it up with some rope and hoped it wouldn't rain to hard on the way to my home.
We got there safe and the couch was still dry. The real challenge lay in the two spiral staircases we had to take to get to my room...
The first staircase was easy. With some wrestling we got the couch up in about 15 minutes. The second spiral staircase however was a different story... It was just impossible to get it up there! My brother saw two solutions:
A: Cut the fabric in some places and try to take the couch apart...
B: Store the couch at somebody elses place for the time being...

Great ideas... but I wasn't really excited about either one... I really wanted my couch and in one piece if possible!

So, eager to find a solution meeting my wishes more, I went up to the bathroom and looked out of the window onto the roof terrace, seeing a vision of lots of rope, pushing, pulling, a dangerously dangling couch and some people being crushed... But I thought it would be worth to try... So we did.
My brother tied the couch up in all the right places, so it wouldn't be too unstable. Such a wonderfull thing to have a sailor in the family, who knows all the right knots and stuff :-)
I got to the bathroom and pulled the rope, while my brother and roommate pushed the couch up. When it was high enough for me to hold it steady and my tall roommate to still hold it downstairs, my brother ran up and helped me pull the couch trough the window, into the bathroom, or actually into the bathtub. And that was it. It took us only 5 minutes to get it up there, while we've been trying the stairs for about half an hour! Why didn't we think of this in the first place? Ah well, it doesn't really matter at all. I've got my couch. My room looks great and cozy or as we say in Dutch 'gezellig'. I love it, can't wait to get home tonight to knit on my couch while watching tv... sigh...

1 comment:

ButterPeanut said...


I feel like you have to have moved a couch in a funny way at least once in order to call yourself a citizen of Utrecht. :P