Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Stressful knitting...

Knitting is an activity that most of the time is very relaxing. The last couple of days however, my needles have been ticking very fast and stressy... A couple of weeks ago I decided to give my latest project a deadline, Oktober 8th, when I'm having a jobinterview.

As an art-therapist I like to look a bit artistic, and what looks more artsy then a handmade (knit, crocheted or sewn) piece of clothing? I can't really think of something. That's why I thought I should wear my handknitted tunic-cardigan-dress-kind-of-thing to that particular interview.
Of course hasty knitting causes mistakes and I had to frog the whole upper body yesterday... But I wouldn't be me, deadliner as I am, if I didn't manage to almost complete the upper body again in only one evening, during "Private Practice", "The Co-assistent" and "Men in Trees".
Got up before the crack of dawn this morning to finish it. It's being blocked on my bed as we speak right now and I hope it's dry this evening, so I will be able to go to sleep tonight...
Just have to weave in the ends, sew some buttons on and chrochet a little edge around the neckline and sleeves. I should get that done this evening or otherwise at the last in the train to Dordrecht tomorrow...

Tik...tak...tik...tak...tik...tak...tik...tak... says the clock...


ButterPeanut said...

wow, that's crazy! good for you!

Saskia said...

Lekker bezig! En het voelt heel fijn als je morgen alles goed en wel aan hebt morgen.
Veel succes met je gesprek, en maak het ze niet te gemakkelijk! Maar doe ook vooral wat je zelf wilt (als je daar maar geen spijt van krijgt). X