Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Knittin' again

Knitting is my fall and winter addiction. During warm-weather-periods I just don't feel like knitting.
Since it is cold, wet and windy in the Netherlands at the time, altough it is summer, my knitting urge is all back! So I picked up the needles again and I'm knitting like crazy. As usual I can't choose a project to work on, so I just do them all...

At the moment I'm working on:
- A lace 'Springtime in Philadelphia' hat in a blue-ish handdyed yarn from England, just for me;
- A purple slouchie 'Felicity' hat for my friend Nel;
- Swatching for a tunic cardigan with 'Lord' from Lana Grossa.

That's it for now, but I just thought of making my sister in law something for her birthday in December...
I should knit the purple hat first, because it has to be finished next week...


ButterPeanut said...

cool; welcome back! post pictures

Saskia said...

Hoi Jook,

Even bijdehand, maar zijn mijn handschoentjes voor mijn verjaardag (van vorig jaar) al af?
Misschien dan met mijn volgende verjaardag??
Ik weet 't... ik vier het ook niet. Eigen schuld.